In the Spotlight: List of interviewees
For a few years in the 2000s, In the Spotlight was a feature in our programmes that put a light-hearted questionnaire to an active member of the Loft, with a particular focus on backstage personnel. The questionnaire responses are preserved here on the website.
- Alex Waldram
- Amy Baker
- Angie Collins
- Bryan Ferriman
- Chris Foyer
- Fran Hubbard
- Gary Atkinson
- Gus MacDonald
- Harry Sanders
- Helen Ashbourne
- Helen Brady
- James Ruffell
- Janet Goldson
- Jeremy Goldthorp
- Jo Baldwin
- Julie Godfrey
- Katie Ward
- Kenny Robinson
- Margaret Shepherd
- Margie Bosworth
- Mike Crisswell
- Phil Reynolds
- Pippa McCanna
- Roger Harding
- Sue Wilkinson
- Tim Elmore
- Tom O’Connor
- Viki Betts